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Cost Reduction

Minimize Costs, Maximize Production Volume With Live Optimization

Explore how Fero Labs' live machine learning optimizes manufacturing, minimizing costs and maximizing production. Learn about Live Predictions and Live Optimization features that reduce testing, optimize materials, and boost throughput. Discover real-world examples of cost savings and efficiency gains across steel, chemicals, and consumer goods industries.

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How Gerdau Saved $3/Ton of Steel With White-Box Machine Learning

Discover how Gerdau saved $3 per ton of steel using Fero Labs' white-box machine learning. Learn how this innovative approach optimized alloy usage, reduced quality variation by 15%, and conserved over 500,000 pounds of raw materials. Explore the benefits of explainable AI in steel manufacturing, including real-time optimization, improved sustainability, and streamlined production processes. Ideal for steel industry professionals seeking to leverage AI for cost savings and efficiency gains.

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How Your Factory Can Use Less Energy

Last year, everyone was talking about optimizing processes. Today, it’s energy optimization.

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Matthew henry y E Tqk Lnhs UI unsplash